For the record : 2009 goals
To start with, I need to review 2008. This has been another banner year as I got my aster's degree and got into medical school. I found a great new apartment in Germantown, a new laptop and upgraded my car among other things. I made a lot of money tutoring and working in the office at Drexel, although I came out in the red on the stock market (although only in the second half of the year like everyone else). I got a passport and went to Canada (twice) but did not leave N. America. Also I did not manage to spend less money, but I had fun and saw a lot of cool things. i ended up publishing on emedicine and in school journals (nothing major though) and did some community service but it was mostly for school requirements. Unfortunatly I did not do very much reading. That said, here are my 2009 goals:
- Honor most of my classes
- do more publishable research
- spend less money
- excercise more frequently