When an subject is controversial, one cannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one came to hold whatever opinion one does hold. One can only give one's audience the the chance of drawing their own conclusions as they observe the limitations, the predjudices, the idiosyncracies of the speaker.

- Virginia Woolf

Monday, April 09, 2007

Safety at Drexel

In one of the most amusing emails I have ever received, the office that administers my program is endorsing a student's call for action following at least 3 separate incidents of students being attacked and mugged in East Falls last weekend. This call includes availing yourselves of self defense techniques to fight off attackers (email suggests using keys), and carrying "protection" at all times (specifically pepper spray). Email also recommends reporting incidents directly to Drexel as well as the police and to use common sense. My thoughts on this plan:

1. Holy crap, I was actually on the site of one of those attacks a few hours before it happen

2. The average medical student does not stand a chance against the average crackhead (even with keys)

3. The suggested remedy to this crime problem is illegal in most student's states of residence (including mine)

4. "try not to carry valuable items" is very useful advice for people who are required to bring laptops to class.

5. East falls is arguably the nicest residential neighborhood in Philly. When you are doing your rotations at St. Chris (pediatrics) I recommend a handgun of no less than 45 caliber.

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Opinion : A Serious Problem

Several parts of the city are unsafe at any time of the day. several reprisal killings occur each day as rival factions fight for territory or lucrative illicit business. The local police are out-gunned, out numbered, and ill trained to deal with the continuing growing violence. Their work is hindered by local politicians who have deep family ties to the criminal elements. Over 100 young Americans have lost there lives this year. This is not a description of Baghdad, this is a description of Philadelphia.

The most unbelievable part of that article is the description of the incident at the medical center last night. The Philly police had to take refuge in Temple University Med. Center from an angry mob protecting a violent killer. And keep in mind that because of the way the local government accounts for Camden, the crime stats for this area are systematically under-reported. What a great place to live...

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