When an subject is controversial, one cannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one came to hold whatever opinion one does hold. One can only give one's audience the the chance of drawing their own conclusions as they observe the limitations, the predjudices, the idiosyncracies of the speaker.

- Virginia Woolf

Monday, March 14, 2005

other people 's opinions

A collection of well-written articles that do reflect the opinions of this publication and its owner:

___the realism view of the war on terror. the reality is clear, you just cant stop everyone.

George Bush may say foolish things, restrict liberties, and pander to the aristocracy, but it could be worse...he could be Vladmir Putin, the current leader in all those categories.

This article describes what happens when communications people try to use numbers. Even logical considerations escape even the best journalists, and the public is routinely misinformed.

___Like all engineers, my internships are paid (even the social work ones that I did in past summers). This article exposes volunteer positions for what they are: exploitation.

A great article debunking the hype about Bird flu. There are several reasons why this disease will not kill very many people. This article points out pretty much all of them.

At every level of my education, girls were always the best students. Blame the feminists. This highlights my belief that any programs that seek equlity by discriminating are foolish

Is the US losing its competitive edge? I would argue that maybe other countries contributing to scientific knowledge is good, but can our economy survive?

___This is a great article about Healthcare reform. This is just like what we talk about in Public Health class.

___It is about time we left the terrorism to the Arabs. This article describes why Ireland should be moving towards peace.

___A compelling reason to shorten the Baseball season.

___I believe the organic food movement is the biggest ripoff in a long time. For a more researched view, consider this

___A brilliant look at social security: why and how it needs to be reformed
also, another look at old vs young in the working world.

___Call me a partisan hack, but I have always liked Bill O'reilly's writing. Here is a good example
(don't ask how I came across this site, I can't remember, but it's good)

I will add more of these later...



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