When an subject is controversial, one cannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one came to hold whatever opinion one does hold. One can only give one's audience the the chance of drawing their own conclusions as they observe the limitations, the predjudices, the idiosyncracies of the speaker.

- Virginia Woolf

Thursday, May 25, 2006

commented news

Some stuff I read and what I think of it:

A huge part of the obesity problem in America. People need to stop throwing money away on things that don't work and believing that there is an easy answer. And the government should stop letting slick salesmen take advantage of unhealthy people.

This is setting a dangerous precedant. This kid thinks he knows better than doctors and is risking his life because he doesn't want to be uncomfortable for a few months. First of all, getting away from Dr. paternalism should only be ok for optional procedures or things that have slim chances of sucess, not obvious life or death treatments. Also the courts are allowing a banned supplement to be legally used as a medicine. And finally, they are letting a minor make a life changing choice in a moment of weakness. He is short sighted and immature and should not be making decisions that could killhim in several years. (That is why they don't let 16 year olds join the military). On his death bed in a few years, he will be regretting this one, and Darwin will be laughing.

This is the future of food and agriculture. First, it is less messy and does not involve animals. second, it could be scaled up easier and does not require fertile land, a major achievement towards feeding an ever growing world population. It may have little investment interest now, but once it becomes economically viable, food companies will force it mainstream (see Genetically modified crops, bovine hormones)

David Ortiz is the best clutch hitter in Baseball. No matter who you cheer for, you have to admit that if you were managing a team and it was in extra innings, you would want him at the plate.

Nurse practioners are replacing primary care physicians. The AMA thinks this is irresponsible. the patients think they get better care. Did these patients have a choice between doctor and nurse, and would they have picked the nurse? The only advantage with nurses are that there is more of them and they are therefore cheaper.


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