When an subject is controversial, one cannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one came to hold whatever opinion one does hold. One can only give one's audience the the chance of drawing their own conclusions as they observe the limitations, the predjudices, the idiosyncracies of the speaker.

- Virginia Woolf

Thursday, February 10, 2005

autobiographical stuff

excerpted from an essay I wrote about myself recently:

Once when asked to ‘sum yourself up in one sentence’, I responded: “I am too complex to be described in one sentence.” (The interviewer gave me a puzzled look and told me think about it a little more) While it is difficult to pin down my personality, I will try to give you an idea of who I am as a person by answering some simple questions and letting you draw the conclusions. My favorite color is red and I like chocolate. As far as politics, I tend conservative and would make a good presidential candidate. I am a proud American, and look with disdain on my fellow citizens (or anyone for that matter) who does not appreciate what they have. My hobbies are computers, outdoors activities, and shooting, but I must admit I don’t own a gun or have enough time to contribute open source projects or go camping (fortunately I have friends who do). Before you get the idea that I am some kind of laptop toting redneck, I will also add that I have lived in big cities my whole life and was the best at interpreting Shakespeare in my high school class. My idols in no particular order are Richard Feynman, George W. Bush, Jesus, and my grandmother, who all did or do what they think was best, ignoring what people thought of them, and they have all been great successes because of it. My one guiding principal is to take responsibility for my actions, but I will admit, it is a lot easier when the outcomes are good. The event that had the biggest effect on me was probably when I was 6 and my uncle showed me how to play my first video game, Super Mario brothers, which pretty much accounts for the next ten years of my life. I have worked at numerous jobs, from part running in a warehouse to telemarketing; from taking care of the mentally handicapped to cleaning carpets. Despite being the most difficult, taking care of the handicapped people was the job I enjoyed the most, and admittedly is the only thing that I have mentioned here that has anything to do with me wanting to go into medicine.


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