When an subject is controversial, one cannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one came to hold whatever opinion one does hold. One can only give one's audience the the chance of drawing their own conclusions as they observe the limitations, the predjudices, the idiosyncracies of the speaker.

- Virginia Woolf

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Random Facts about me:

  • Favorite Color: Red or Blue, depending on my mood
  • Height and Weight: 5'9'', 145lbs
  • Place of Birth: Rochester, NY
  • I have never been outside of North America
  • current computer: Dell Dual Xeon(2.8) Workstation
  • current vehicle: 1993 Toyota Corrolla (which I only drive in the summer)
  • favorite vehicle I owned: 1992 Nissan Sentra.
  • Current residence: Philadelphia, PA
  • Jobs I have held: Warehouse hand (twice - furniture and auto parts), Telemarketer, Carpet Cleaner, Camp Councelor, Special needs - Direct care worker, Driver (handicapped vans), Office Asst. , Fitness Room supervisor, Bioinformatics Researcher, QC / product development engineer, Radiology researcher.
  • I got a1450 on the SAT's and a 33Q on the MCAT.
  • My favorite pet was a rat named Smokey
  • I was president of the Marine science association (although I never was a marine bio major) and Vice president of the BU Premed society (although I couldn't get into Med school)
  • My approximate Net worth is $-32,000 (thank you Quiken for pointing that out)
  • Best Ebay purchase: 52 inch Big screen TV
  • Worst Ebay purchase: can't say I have regretted any of them
  • Favorite TV show: The Simpsons
  • At a Boyscout Rally several years ago, I saw BIll Clinton give a speech. After the speech, I ran under Airforce One as it was taking off. the SS did not bother me because I was with a Handicapped individual (who I had told to lead the way)
  • favorite sport to watch is hockey, to play is tennis
  • favorite pizza topping is artichoke hearts and ricotta cheese. add olives and mushrooms, and we have a slice of heaven.
  • I was arrested once (prank gone wrong) but have never been charged with a crime. I did get a traffic violation last year though (while driving a NY state vehicle btw)
  • I had my state taxes audited in 2003. NYS found out that I owed them an extra $4.72
  • I pay taxes in NY but I vote in Massachusetts (registered Republican), live in Pennsylvania, and shop in New Jersey
  • Favorite Video games: Super Mario Brothers, GoldenEye, SimCity 4
  • Preferred Dishware: Cobalt Blue
  • My worst subject in High School was Math (by grades at least). I wanted to be a Civil Engineer but after I accepted entrance to BU I realized that they did not have this major so I switched to Biomedical Engineering.
  • Strengths: Intelligence, work well in groups, honesty (so much that this can be a weakness)
  • Weaknesses: I can't make up names or titles for anything, insensitive, awkward


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