Random Facts about me:
- Favorite Color: Red or Blue, depending on my mood
- Height and Weight: 5'9'', 145lbs
- Place of Birth: Rochester, NY
- I have never been outside of North America
- current computer: Dell Dual Xeon(2.8) Workstation
- current vehicle: 1993 Toyota Corrolla (which I only drive in the summer)
- favorite vehicle I owned: 1992 Nissan Sentra.
- Current residence: Philadelphia, PA
- Jobs I have held: Warehouse hand (twice - furniture and auto parts), Telemarketer, Carpet Cleaner, Camp Councelor, Special needs - Direct care worker, Driver (handicapped vans), Office Asst. , Fitness Room supervisor, Bioinformatics Researcher, QC / product development engineer, Radiology researcher.
- I got a1450 on the SAT's and a 33Q on the MCAT.
- My favorite pet was a rat named Smokey
- I was president of the Marine science association (although I never was a marine bio major) and Vice president of the BU Premed society (although I couldn't get into Med school)
- My approximate Net worth is $-32,000 (thank you Quiken for pointing that out)
- Best Ebay purchase: 52 inch Big screen TV
- Worst Ebay purchase: can't say I have regretted any of them
- Favorite TV show: The Simpsons
- At a Boyscout Rally several years ago, I saw BIll Clinton give a speech. After the speech, I ran under Airforce One as it was taking off. the SS did not bother me because I was with a Handicapped individual (who I had told to lead the way)
- favorite sport to watch is hockey, to play is tennis
- favorite pizza topping is artichoke hearts and ricotta cheese. add olives and mushrooms, and we have a slice of heaven.
- I was arrested once (prank gone wrong) but have never been charged with a crime. I did get a traffic violation last year though (while driving a NY state vehicle btw)
- I had my state taxes audited in 2003. NYS found out that I owed them an extra $4.72
- I pay taxes in NY but I vote in Massachusetts (registered Republican), live in Pennsylvania, and shop in New Jersey
- Favorite Video games: Super Mario Brothers, GoldenEye, SimCity 4
- Preferred Dishware: Cobalt Blue
- My worst subject in High School was Math (by grades at least). I wanted to be a Civil Engineer but after I accepted entrance to BU I realized that they did not have this major so I switched to Biomedical Engineering.
- Strengths: Intelligence, work well in groups, honesty (so much that this can be a weakness)
- Weaknesses: I can't make up names or titles for anything, insensitive, awkward
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