When an subject is controversial, one cannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one came to hold whatever opinion one does hold. One can only give one's audience the the chance of drawing their own conclusions as they observe the limitations, the predjudices, the idiosyncracies of the speaker.

- Virginia Woolf

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Dateline 4/22/06

What a week! I finished up my Sr. Project final report and handed it in on Friday, I was not too pressed for time because I finished it two days early. That left me time to go partying thursday night, which was great because my roomate and his friends happened to be getting knighted at the pub. Drinking ensued and in a very amusing turn of events, my roomate woke up in someone elses apt. Apparently he woke up on a bed in a suite two doors down the hall. no one has any idea how he got there or how he got in, but no one who lived there was in the apt when he got up, no harm no foul I guess. Speaking of Apts, I spent all day looking at them in Quincy, and will do so tommorow as well. Many nice ones but none that are perfect. I only have to live there for 3 months though, so it is not that big of a deal. Two of my former roomates are signing a 12 month lease and I will sublet one of them until I move to Philadelphia in August.
On Wednesday, I toured the Broad Institute, the Harvard/ MIT genome sequencing facility. This was the coolest place I have ever seen, although it has got to be pretty boring to work there. Also on Wed., The annual BME lecture hosted Dr. Peter Jarhling, who happens to run this country's program that experiments with smallpox. This was a great lecture, including pictures of dying monkeys, disaster casualty estimates, and making fun of international diplomats. Very amusing fo a science lecture.
The only things that I have left to do this semester s give my project presentation, take few easy exams, and graduate. I can't wait



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