When an subject is controversial, one cannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one came to hold whatever opinion one does hold. One can only give one's audience the the chance of drawing their own conclusions as they observe the limitations, the predjudices, the idiosyncracies of the speaker.

- Virginia Woolf

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Dateline 4/1/06

This has been a pretty good week. I got some work done the first few days and had fun the last two. Yesterday I skipped out on the BME social and celebrated my former roommate's B-day with some binge drinking. Good times were had by all. The final sr project progress report was handed in on time, leaving only the final report to write (about 17 days and 100 pages to go, but who's counting) Also yesterday I managed to sit down and write a 10 page paper in one sitting (about 4 hrs.) That sitting was interrupted by a phone interview for a job at Children's Hospital however, and I made such a good impression that I have an interview on Wednesday. That would be a pretty sweet job, and it would pay more than the imaging lab at BU, which I also got an offer from this week (summer or year). Today I got up too late to prank my roommates, but he did manage to get me by baricadding my door with beer cans and honey (not joking here). There was also some type of plan to set up water to fall on me, but the fire alarm tripped the trap instead or something, making it the only casualty of the weekend. I had gone out with friends to see V for Vendetta, which turned out to be a pretty good movie.(see review)

Next week outlook is probably not as good though. I have a presentation about rolling circle pcr that I am far from being an expert in, and several other things due. I may come close to straightening out what I am doing next year, however.



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