When an subject is controversial, one cannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one came to hold whatever opinion one does hold. One can only give one's audience the the chance of drawing their own conclusions as they observe the limitations, the predjudices, the idiosyncracies of the speaker.

- Virginia Woolf

Friday, December 29, 2006

For the record : 2007 Goals

I set several goals last year and am happy to say that I accomplished most of them. Last year was an amazing year: I graduated from college, got my first apt, and proffesional job, entered grad school, and did more concerts, traveling, and dating and made more money than in any previous year. 2006 will be a tough act to follow, but I believe in continous improvement so here, in no particular order, are my goals for 2007:

first of all, goals that I had last year that were not achieved:

- pay off at least 10% of my student loans (not likely)

- travel outside of North America

- enter into a serious relationship (sustaining is really the goal here)

and new goals for 2007:

- make at least a 10% return on investments

- get a 3.5 or better GPA

- do at least 200 hrs of community service

- earn more income than I earned last year

- build up my running to at least 5 miles at a time and 20 miles a week

- publish another scientific article

- move to the suburbs

- learn how to cook pastry

- reduce clutter

sex, money, and grades, that's what it is all about...

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Dateline : 12/29/06

This has been a good holidays so far. After a week of exams (which I did well on), I went to my grandparents house in Florida for some R and R. That went great, I got to sleep in, go swimming and play with the dog till lunch, hang around the town and visit random but friendly people…a great vacation. It was the first time in years that I did not have to make all my own food, and my grandparents are about the only people in my family that I can have an intelligent conversation with. In addition, I beat my grandmother in scrabble on Christmas Eve in the closest game I have ever played…

As for Christmas, My real present was the Florida trip, but of course, I still received the random collection of strange gifts that I usually get. And Once again it appears that my mother ignored my gift giving guide, as she got me crap that 1.she got me last year (a voice recorder), 2 I already have and don’t need (headphones), and gifts that she wanted (glasses set). One cool gift I got this year was from my aunt, who gave me a Christmas tree decorated with little rolled up 5-dollar bills. I have to give her credit, which is the most creative way to give money I have ever seen (and it was all decorated by hand…)

In other news, I just looked at my semester grades, and I got 2 A’s and 2 B’s, which is more than enough to keep me on my target GPA for medical school. So far so good…

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