When an subject is controversial, one cannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one came to hold whatever opinion one does hold. One can only give one's audience the the chance of drawing their own conclusions as they observe the limitations, the predjudices, the idiosyncracies of the speaker.

- Virginia Woolf

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Dateline 1/3/07

It is been a long time since my last entry, this is because I've been so busy the last few months. I successfully finished up the semester by acing medical pathology by getting above the 90 on the last two exams. I've been doing a lot of tutoring of high school students having picked up several students in New Jersey. This is keeping me busy for nights a week but has been helping me keep it positive cash flow. I've also been spending a lot of time with my girlfriend. We went to Vermont and had a great time, and stopped in Lake Champlain on the way back. The foliage was peak at that time and it was beautiful. We also went to Longwood Gardens for the holidays which was a great time as well as going to a hockey game and going to New York City to watch the ball drop for New Year's.

Watching the ball dropped the other day was a lot of fun. It was a hassle to get in because we had had a backpack and they were not allowed, but we dropped it was someone we knew a few blocks down and we managed to get in the 7th Ave by 8 p.m. we were next to Carnegie Hall which is several blocks away, but does have a good view of the ball and the countdown screen. We cannot hear the concerts in Times Square, but we did have a rowdy group of people around them several different countries and we had a lot of fun meeting new people in the meantime. We had been staying at my friend's apartment in Norwalk Connecticut, which is only about an hour train ride on the city. We had gone on a dinner cruise two nights before around Manhattan which was also beautiful and went to a friends birthday party in the east Village. I've been spending the last three days doing all the chores and things I've put off during Christmastime and exams, which is a list of things almost 2 pages long.

Looking ahead, I'm taking my girlfriend on a secret trip (secret in the sense that she does not know where we are growing). This idea came out of the fact that having her participate in the planning stages of going somewhere tended simply complicate the issue. I plan this whole trip by myself and all she has to do is show up, which should facilitate things significantly. He is also performing music and Carnegie Hall the following weekend on Martin Luther King Day so that should be interesting. Another pathology is over I should have a little more time to do other things besides studying but we shall see if that works out...

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